SF City Hall / Civic Center

the view from our Airbnb!

tunnel at the aquarium!

WFH in Capital One Cafe

Vibhav, Esther, Jessie, LQ, Kevin, and me!

Jumbos on Lands End

Legion of Honor

Grandview Park

We (Emai/Kevin/LQ) were feeling especially spontaneous one day and bought one-way tickets to SF a week before leaving. Luckily our jobs are all remote so we worked from home 6am-2pm PST (Eastern time zone work hours), which gave us the rest of the day to go out and explore! We visited lots of classic SF landmarks and attractions, and got to visit / have friends stay with us at our Airbnb for a couple nights (shoutouts to Vibhav, Jessie, Esther, Anne, Nicole, Julie, and David!)